1. These guidelines aim at regulating issues that could occur with publication of the Journal of Universal Language. The followings are strict regulations that apply to authors, editorial board and reviewers. 2. Authors have rights concerning their own research and work, and the works are recognized as their own achievements. Upon acceptance of an article by the Journal, the authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproduction of similar nature, and translations. 3. Submission of a manuscript will be held to imply that it contains unpublished, original material that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of a paper, the author will be asked to assign copyright (on certain conditions) to Sejong University. 4. The Editorial Board members are appointed to review papers based on the specialty and research activities. Each paper is reviewed three times. And if there are no adequate editors in a certain field on the Editorial Board, we offer a commission to other experts. Proofs will be sent to authors for correction and should be returned to the editors within three days of receipt. 5. The Editorial Board will review and evaluate the journal in strict course. 6. Reviewers are all required to appreciate all of the submitted papers and the authors' ideas, and also be fair and balanced when evaluating the submitted papers. 7. In the instance of a violation of guideline no. 6, we have an Ethics Committee. It consists of 5 Board members, and a chairperson is elected from among the Committee. The Ethics Committee members are appointed by the executive officers of the Language Research Institute. The term of office is 2 years and Committee members can be reappointed for the next term. Decisions will be made upon a majority vote of the enrolled Committee members. 8. Upon determination, disciplinary action will be immediately taken against those found to be erring in their obligations, as per the above guidelines, by the executive officers of the Language Research Institute. Disciplinary action will take the following course: (1) Verbal or documented warning. (2) Prohibition of submission of papers for an agreed upon duration. (3) Disqualification of position as a Editorial Board member or editor 9. General issues which are not specified here follow standard customs. 10. These Ethics Guidelines hold from September 1, 2007.